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With The Prosperity Marketing System!

Watch this VIDEO to understand how to make hundreds
of extra $$ dollars with the Prosperity Marketing System (PMS). 


LOGIN to the Prosperity Marketing System HERE
(Scroll down to the bottom and find the Login button).

How to Start Winning?

Understand that all the skills I'm going to be sharing with you
all boil down to connecting with people you don't know,
making friends, and turning those friends into business partners. 

It's that EASY! 

Here's a little chart to help you understand the process: 

Basically, you learn how to advertise, get subscribers who
don't know, like, or trust you (which we call "cold prospects"),
and "warm them up" through your email autoresponder messages

At this point, many "warm prospects" will join you in a free
trial basis or a $1 entry for a week or two.

Then you turn those members from "warm" to "hot"
by helping them understand how to accomplish their dream

with a definite workable plan. We do this effectively by sharing 
a video with them from a six or seven-figure earner who has 
achieved this too!


We found Jeff Aman's video on how he found success with 
the Prosperity Marketing System (PMS) very helpful and enlightening!
We hope you enjoy it too. 

 Get Started Advertising!
Get a book or journal that you can write in
and call it "Warm Leads". ONLY use it for your warm
leads (not your cold leads or those who haven't qualified). 

A warm lead is someone who knows you and trusts you a little.
A cold lead is someone who doesn't know you yet. You 
may only know their name, email address (and possibly 
their phone number). They become a warm lead
when they reply back to your email, message, post, 
phone number, or text and get to know you a little. 

They qualify when you know they want to make 
additional income and when you see they may 
be open to joining your business. 


Writing down 100 people. Just the exercise of doing it will
surprise you.
 If you don't want to talk to most people on your list -
that's ok. But this is to help you think of those you might have missed!


One of the first things you do is to QUALIFY THEM!

Ask them if they're open to making extra income. 
If they say "yes!", great! Give them your link*
If they say "no", then move on. 

*You may also go to "Second Qualification"
if you're good at this. If you're not, just 
give them the link and ask if they mind 
if you follow up with them in half an hour 
or the time they say is best. 

If they say: "What is it?" then just understand 
that they're skeptical and it's most possibly a "no".
However, I just say: "Well, I'm not very good at 
explaining this, but I can send you a link and it 
will explain it really great and take less time then I will!"
Then I ask them the question again. "Are you 
open to making extra income?". If they avoid 
answering the question this time then I just 
move on. 

DO NOT EXPLAIN IT! You basically need to be 
a good salesman to explain it and win. Just realize
that unless you ARE, don't attempt it. It will just 
be a big waste of time!" 

This is how to build a warm list: Get cold leads from online
advertising (such as from solo ads, safelists, social media marketing
etc...) and then warm up your cold leads
(sending them a message with info about this call is a start).

You can use your autoresponder, or text them, call them,
use Facebook Messenger, Skype, WhatsApp, or any
other way of communicating! 

To get started advertising online,
go into the Prosperity Marketing System
and go through "Training Courses" / Success Step
to get everything set up!

Use these links for additional help: 

Using Udimi advertising

 Go here to learn how to submit
your first Safelist Ad

Continue Advertising TIPS

PS: If you need a "done for you system" to help teach you and 
guide you for a while as you learn these skills, you 
can go here .

Special Splash Page
(Share Code) For You!

Every month (sometimes every other week), I add a new splash page 
to the Prosperity Marketing System (PMS). 

You can access the newest page by using this share code
(this splash page will change each time a new page is 

Share Code:  i4gxIDQskt0n

Connects to this opt-in page
(Share Code is: vCoEVkYuQzph)

Want to EARN $85 Over and
Over Again?

Upgrading to the "Owners Add-On" for $97 has a lot of advantages: 

(Owners Ad On is found under "Members Home / My Subscription)

1. You can earn about $85 per person who also upgrades under you.

2. Change your Primary Business to any company or program you like whenever you want.

3. Replace the Autoresponder and Ad Tracking programs if you prefer with anything else.

4. Edit any training pages within the whole system with your own content. This is what we do!

5. Create your own training pages that show your whole downline unlimited levels.

6. Your upgrades and training pass unlimited levels down to everyone under you
so you can earn from your different programs, levels and levels down!

Additional Bonuses:

Here are the Directions once more to find valuable bonuses and 
training inside the Prosperity Marketing System (PMS): 

 In PMS simply go to "Training Course" Tab / "Elite Traffic Club" sub Tab: 


Go to: Training Courses / Weekly Training

Last Note:

This strategy has been key in helping us succeed with PMS. 
However, the total formula for success is to learn the 5 Critical Skills

If you don't FOCUS on learning these skills, then you will eventually find
failing and we want you to succeed!

You can continue with the training we've set up for you inside
the Prosperity Marketing System and email us for guidance or you can access
personal 1:1 mentoring, where we help set things up WITH
YOU and walk through it together in real time. 

We Look forward
to helping you succeed! :)


~Albie & Elizabeta

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so you can connect with us!

Connect with us here at:
Albie Derbyshire
cell: 626-379-5692
Click for Email Address
Skype: Albion Derbyshire


Click for Email Address   Albie Derbyshire     877-521-5505